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We are very familiar with the challenges in personnel search and recruiting in quality management and LEAN management. We ourselves, both as applicants and as hiring managers, have been affected by poor personnel recruiters and job boards and are now offering solutions that work!

Did you know

⚡ There are >50 different functions in quality management alone
that applicants are looking for. Platforms offer hardly any options for filtering!

⚡ The umbrella term “quality management” is rarely or never searched for

The descriptions of the tasks and requests for comparable positions are almost identical. Boring standard phrases deter interested parties.

⚡ There are   around 800 – 1,000 open positions   in quality management and   around 190 – 230 in LEAN management in Austria.

⚡ The recruiters have not the required methodological knowledge, such as 8D, FMEA, IATF, ISO, etc. Therefore, they cannot test these methods in the interview. Many recruitment agencies are not specialized in your quality requirements – they can’t think them through and therefore deliver candidates you don’t want.

⚡ Recruiters follow a standard process with standard questions that make quality managers very uncomfortable. Candidates often feel misunderstood or poorly supported. They stop the process or no longer respond. Lost potential!

What qualityfox is all about:

👍 Quality managers recruit quality managers and therefore understand the needs and experiences of the target group better than anyone else! This creates trust.

👍 We have access to the passive and hard-to-reach candidate market as well as a broad national and international network. We ourselves are from the target group of quality managers and LEAN managers!

👍 We have an international network of top employers and candidates in the EU, CEE, China, USA, India and Brazil, for example. We were active in these countries!

👍 Due to our background we are in the circles of the target group. Traditional recruiters are not welcome there.

👍 qualityfox bridges vacancies and offers benchmarking. Our interim managers help with staff shortages and excessive demands at short notice. On the other hand, they contribute their knowledge and coach their colleagues.

👍 We offer insights through our master’s thesis entitled “Improvement potentials in recruiting for quality management”.

👍 Additional benefit through a workplace analysis, which is carried out as a free bonus during the order discussions! Receive honest feedback on the potential of the specific position.

👍 Improvement of the starting position for staffing as a result of our “hands on” organizational consulting. We provide ideas for modernizing your tasks and processes relating to the job!

👍#1 job market for your quality management and LEAN management with over 1,000 hits – the positions are visible to the target group.

A selection of our qualityfox top partners

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qualityfox® HR solutions and recruiting in quality management

Personalgewinnung & Personalsuche & Recruiting im Qualitätsmanagement - Job suchen

JOB-market for the target group

Only jobs in quality management and LEAN management can be found here. Hundreds of hits from the target group!

qualityfox Inserat veröffentlichen

Publish job advertisement

Use the reach of our job exchange to reach exactly the target group. Instead of 60, we offer 120 days!

qualityfox spezial inserat

qualityfox special ad

among other things, we write and optimize advertisements and answer initial questions from candidates

qualityfox spezial service inserat

qualityfox Special-Service Ad

among other things, we write and optimize advertisements and answer candidates’ initial questions, conduct initial interviews and create a special candidate report for you.

qualityfox recruiting and active sourcing

Recruiting and Active Sourcing

Quality managers with additional background in HR recruit quality managers. One of our unique selling points!

Personalgewinnung & Personalsuche & Recruiting im Qualitätsmanagement - Job suchen

Interim Management / Training on the Job

among other things, with this offer we offer bridging of vacancies, coaching, outsourcing of your activities and employee training on the job.

Personalgewinnung & Personalsuche & Recruiting im Qualitätsmanagement Kandidaten für Jobs in der Qualitätsbranche. Gefunden durch qualityfox.

Talent pool full of passive & active candidates from the target group

Contact us or book a free online INFO conversation directly via our website. Link to this follows automatically!

Personalgewinnung & Personalsuche & Recruiting im Qualitätsmanagement Kandidaten für Jobs in der Qualitätsbranche. Gefunden durch qualityfox.

Recruiting and Active Sourcing

Personalgewinnung & Personalsuche & Recruiting im Qualitätsmanagement - Job suchen

Interim Management / Training on the Job

Book a costfree online meeting. We look forward to seeing you!

After selecting an appointment, our system sends a corresponding calendar entry incl. Teams call link automatically! We look forward to our meeting.

All this means for you is that with qualityfox you have a strong partner at your side for your individual HR questions. With special expertise in quality management and LEAN management  as well as years of experience in human resource management offers qualityfox absolute Fachexpertise auf Augenhöhe mit der Zielgruppe. qualityfox absolute specialist expertise  at eye level with the target group. This saves you time and money.

Furthermore, qualityfox offers you tailor-made solutions and thus finds your future skilled workers. Our network of companies, project groups and educational institutions, such as universities, associations and certification bodies, extends beyond national borders. In any case, you also benefit, for example: candidates from the EU, especially Central and Eastern Europe, China, USA, India or Brazil.